Release Notes - JBoss Web Services - Version jbossws-cxf-7.0.0.Final - HTML format


  • [JBWS-4389] - Wrong assumption about the Identity's password are all clearpassword


  • [JBWS-4347] - Add a release profile to include all modules
  • [JBWS-4348] - Use galleon to install WildFly server for test
  • [JBWS-4349] - Create jbossws galleon feature pack
  • [JBWS-4350] - Clean up the deployment descriptor and other unused configuration files for WSTrustTestCase
  • [JBWS-4351] - Remove PicketLinkSTS documentation from docbook
  • [JBWS-4352] - Provide test to run jbossws in docker container
  • [JBWS-4354] - Create tests to demonstrate running the webservice endpoint on a Kubernetes/OpenShift cloud environment.
  • [JBWS-4355] - Create an image maven module to build the wildfly webservice runtime images for different cloud tests
  • [JBWS-4356] - Upgrade to WildFly 28 and WildFly dev version to 29
  • [JBWS-4359] - Add a test-feature-pack to install the test configuration files into WFLY
  • [JBWS-4360] - Run cli to add the jbossws configuration in wildfly-webservice images
  • [JBWS-4361] - Add wsse cloud test
  • [JBWS-4363] - Create WSTrust cloud test
  • [JBWS-4364] - Fix
  • [JBWS-4365] - upgrade jbossws-parent to 2.0.0 in sub projects
  • [JBWS-4377] - Remove xerces dependency and use JDK's JAXP impl instead
  • [JBWS-4378] - Replace modules with jakarta ee modules.
  • [JBWS-4382] - Create common uitils to setup kubernets test
  • [JBWS-4383] - Improve the common utility to check the WFLY readiness in cloud test
  • [JBWS-4392] - Remove the wsconsume target option

Component Upgrade

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