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- PTL-5517
DO467-1: Test issue, can be closed - PTL-5513
DO467-7: lab start install-installation not working - PTL-5482
DO447-93: Extra space between "tower" and "-setup" - PTL-5480
: Include Tower-specific Ansible module information - PTL-5478
DO447-61: SELinux rule affects files that shouldn't - PTL-5473
DO447-19: ch11s02 GE probably can use names rather than hunting for IDs? - PTL-5469
DO447-78: Ch14. Change FreeIPA to RH IdM - PTL-5468
DO447-22: The Default project is modified to use a manual SCM which is bad practice - PTL-5462
DO447-27: wrong context for all files under /etc/tower - PTL-5461
DO447-74: problem with lab scripts - PTL-5447
DO447-106: ch11s04 : template not found 404 error - PTL-5445
DO447-123: Ch12s06 : lab advinventory-smart start script fails - PTL-5443
DO447-71: Lab sequencing dependencies / Some setup scripts do not fully prepare environment for activity - PTL-5440
DO447-65: ch08s04 and ch08 lab: Start script not available in Guided Exercise and LAB - PTL-5438
DO447-48: Grading Scripts: missing instruction to run 'finish' for Tower Exercises - PTL-5433
DO447-90: Typo in ch12s07: Lab: Managing Advanced Inventories - PTL-5431
DO447-77: ch10s02 step 3.2 should fail but it did not. - PTL-5427
DO447-80: ch15s03: CR cannot be completed indepedently of previous labs - PTL-5421
DO447-99: my_webservers_DEV git repo - PTL-5415
DO447-41: No minimum CPU listed for install requirements
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