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Single Node OpenShift cert renewal deadlockPTL-2230
DO378-78: RHT1844646 -- The Maven settings.xml that is configured in the ~/.m2 directory on the student machines contains a profile that sets the dependency and plugin repositories for the Red HatPTL-2222
DO378-112: ch04s05 - missing an oxford comma.PTL-2215
DO378-102: Student are required to use address instead of localhostPTL-2189
DO378-79: Ch01s08: It would be nice to introduce the Quarkus CLI here as an alternative to create/bootstrap a Quarkus project and add extensions as well.PTL-2185
DO378-87: Remove topics that will not be discussed laterPTL-2170
DO378-101: Use dev services without even present itPTL-2168
DO378-83: Command structure correction required.PTL-2166
DO378-115: ch05s05 - Figure title does not show properly when using calloutsPTL-2165
DO378-97: Libraries are being downloaded from Red Hat RepositoryPTL-2159
DO378-144: RHT1985074 - Incorrect answers in PT-BRPTL-2154
DO378-106: Bad definition of MicroprofilePTL-2152
DO378-130: CHINA : Ch06s02 : step 4.7 : request with an amount of 100 fails with errorPTL-2149
DO378-90: Quiz refers to Bulkhead that is not addressed in our coursePTL-2147
DO378-62: GE Testing Microservices with Mock Frameworks not working as describedPTL-2145
DO378-103: Lack of information about extension OpenAPIPTL-2140
DO378-104: EoC lab does not provide clear instructions/does not support env timeouts.PTL-2139
DO378-94: Lacking namingStrategy Enumeration that defines each configPTL-2138
DO378-82: RHT1881957 - Minor typo, replace KeyCloack with KeycloakPTL-2134
DO378-110: ch04s02 - The student is not asked to return to the home directory before running lab finish
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