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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-2230

DO378-78: RHT1844646 -- The Maven settings.xml that is configured in the ~/.m2 directory on the student machines contains a profile that sets the dependency and plugin repositories for the Red Hat


    • 2
    • ROLE
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/do378ea-2.7/pages/ch02s04
      Reporter RHNID: yuvaraj-rhls
      Section: develop-rest-practice - Guided Exercise: Developing REST based Microservices
      Language: en-US (English)||

      Description: Description: The Maven settings.xml that is configured in the ~/.m2 directory on the student machines contains a profile that sets the dependency and plugin repositories for the Red Hat build of Quarkus. Since this is not explicitly called out in the lab exercises, students might miss the fact that Quarkus dependencies are not being pulled from Maven Central. The pom.xml file in the first guided exercise in Chapter 2 contains explicit definition of the Red Hat repositories. The pom.xml files in the second guided exercise to not have that explicit definition, but depend on the configuration in setting.xml. The net result of this difference does not impact the labs running on the configured student workstation. But, if the student tries to reproduce the code on their own workstation, they will encounter a situation where the expense-validator project will work out-of-the-box, but the expense-service, and expense-client will not. Consider explicitly calling out the configuration of the dependency and plugin repositories so that students will understand that the artifacts are coming from a Red Hat repository, not Maven Central.

            gls-curriculum-ocp-adv@redhat.com PTL - AppDev Team
            yuvaraj-rhls yuvaraj b
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