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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-2185

DO378-87: Remove topics that will not be discussed later


    • 1
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://rol-factory.ole.redhat.com/rol-devel/app/courses/do378ea-2.13/pages/ch01
      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: - Describing Microservices
      Language: en-US (English)||
      Workaround: Remove these refrences about Bulkhead and mention something else (like Retry)

      Description: There are references on Bulkhead that are not addressed in the Fault Tolerance chapter. To avoid expectations, remove them:


      Design for Failure
      Distributed applications can fail due to code errors, or hardware or network failures. Developers must design applications that anticipate and can recover from such failures.

      Developers can incorporate various design patterns to make microservices applications fault-tolerant.

      Provide High Availability microservices for failure management.

      Use the Circuit Breaker design pattern to prevent service or network failure from cascading to other services.

      Use the Bulkhead design pattern to prevent overload of an individual service, and to isolate failures from rippling throughout the system by limiting concurrent access to dependent services and minimizing the impact of an unreachable dependent service.

      The fault tolerance chapter of this course covers the Circuit Breaker and Bulkhead patterns in more detail.



            gls-curriculum-ocp-adv@redhat.com PTL - AppDev Team
            rhn-gls-rtaniguchi Ricardo Taniguchi
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