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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-2140

DO378-104: EoC lab does not provide clear instructions/does not support env timeouts.


    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://rol-factory.ole.redhat.com/rol-devel/app/courses/do378ea-2.13/pages/ch02s09
      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: - Lab: Developing Cloud-native Microservices with Quarkus
      Language: en-US (English)||
      Workaround: request students to back up the existing lab and overwrite it.

      Description: In the Lab, if an env restart occurs (due to a ROL session timeout), the Postgresql DB will be down. If you run the start script again it will write over your lab files. Provide a script just to start the Postgresql DB.

      Step 4: Remove the in-memory persistence layer and use Panache to persist the application data.

      The current implementation returns a Set but the solution changes the interface implementation to a List which is not clear (step 4.3). Either change it to return List or do not change the signature from the method.

      Step 5: There is a lack of the name of the class as well as the package you are supposed to create it. Also, the relationship is a unidirectional one, the Speaker must have access to the Talks but the Talks are not supposed to have Speakers access.  Also it misses what attribute name should be used (this would ultimately would cause problems with step 7).

      Step 6: There is no content on OpenAPI in the lectures, but the EoC requires it in steps 6/7

      There is an annotation @Transactional but it isn't declared anywhere in the EoC or in the source code. (6.2)

      Step 7: There isn't any reference to the JSON content mentioned in step 7.4 that we could test.

      Step 8: There is no return 204 in the method call. It simply does not return anything.

      Also, the @Transactional is only identifiable as long as you run tests.

      Grading script does not provide a helpful check as it does not indicate what errors we are supposed to fix. It should provide helpful checks like which steps I have missed or which problems I am supposed to fix. Instead, it asks students to run a mvn test command. 

              mczernek@redhat.com Marek Czernek (Inactive)
              rhn-gls-rtaniguchi Ricardo Taniguchi
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