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- CRW-2840
switch GH repos to new default branch, devspaces-3-rhel-8 - CRW-2839
Create CI folder for new devspaces jobs, separate from CRW_CI folder - CRW-2836
ensure get-sources-rhpkg-container-build_3.* jobs can publish to quay - CRW-2831
Fix publishing of che-plugin-registry to https://redhat-developer.github.io/devspaces/che-plugin-registry/3.0/x86_64/v3/ - CRW-2830
Drop plugin brokers and jwtproxy from the image list - CRW-2826
Refactor theia artifact publishing for CDN? - CRW-2822
refactor CRW_ prefix in openshift templates and operator code to use DS_ prefix - CRW-2819
ensure renamed operator and bundle work correctly in build pipelines - CRW-2818
Refactor crw, codeready-workspaces, etc. to devspaces, Dev Spaces, etc. - CRW-2817
rename/move crw-samples projects to devspaces-samples org; update devfile references - CRW-2811
rename midstream GH repos - CRW-2809
set up RH OS DS 3.x jobs in Jenkins / disable the 2.x and 2.16 jobs - CRW-2808
create new quay org + containers for RH OS DS 3 - CRW-2807
verify no binaries are included in pkgs.devel devspaces-3-rhel-8 branches (copied and pushed from devspaces repos, devspaces-3-rhel-8 branches) - CRW-2806
generate comet delivery repos for DS 3.0
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