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Add an Ansible example in the Devfile registryCRW-4581
[RN] Add support for NO_PROXY in VS CodeCRW-4579
[RN] Invisible characters in VS Code terminalCRW-4578
[RN] che-code should take into account all certificate located into /public-certs directoryCRW-4572
Dev Spaces 3.7.0 failed to deploy to test OCP instances using brew.registry.redhat.io mirroringCRW-4545
Automate `Check git with SSH key` test-caseCRW-4541
Ansible sample fails to start on disconnected clusterCRW-4531
[RN] Allow users to configure VS Code workspaces with a `.code-workspaces` fileCRW-4530
[RN] Simpler Workspaces URLsCRW-4529
"Unable to attach or mount volumes" error when delete workspace on test OCP 4.13 cluster deployed to PSI OpenStack infraCRW-4523
WIP: Slowness, flickering and lags of the graphical interface of IntelliJ IDEA Community on Che-dogfoodingCRW-4517
Change ownership of dot folders at the end of the UDI buildCRW-4512
Problems with Azure DevOps IntegrationCRW-4504
Devspaces operator/operator-bundles do not include new field gatewayContainer - sync scripts need updatingCRW-4497
Release DevWorkspace Operator v0.21CRW-4494
[RN] Workspaces that define Kubernetes/OpenShift components with URIs always fail to startCRW-4379
DS 3.7 overall epicCRW-4375
Start factory test as the first step after DS deployment in crw-miscellaneous Jenkins jobCRW-4370
"Subscription devspaces-subscription not found" error when run "dsc server:update" command against DS 3.5.0 installed from OperatorHubCRW-4366
Unable to launch workspace using Bitbucket/Gitlab RAW link to the devfile in a Public repository hosted internally
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