
    • True
    • This new feature for version not work correctly
    • False
    • Release Notes
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      = Fixed workspace startup with Git repositories hosted by Microsoft Azure
      Before this update, for Git repositories that are hosted by Microsoft Azure DevOps, new workspaces might fail to start due to a *Workspace does not exist* error. With this update, the issue is resolved.
      = Fixed workspace startup with Git repositories hosted by Microsoft Azure   Before this update, for Git repositories that are hosted by Microsoft Azure DevOps, new workspaces might fail to start due to a *Workspace does not exist* error. With this update, the issue is resolved.
    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      Description of problem:

      The problem is the integration about Azure Devops. Add all steps include in eclise che documentation. 


      But, when open project from repository by Azure devops repo open Visualcode IDE and respond with error.

      Check project error and the error is next

      bash: cd: project-clone-errors.log: Not a directory
      projects $ cat project-clone-errors.log 
      2023/06/06 09:01:51 Read DevWorkspace at /devworkspace-metadata/flattened.devworkspace.yaml
      2023/06/06 09:01:51 Processing project prueba
      2023/06/06 09:01:51 Cloning project prueba to /projects/project-clone-2183814237/prueba
      2023/06/06 09:01:51 Encountered error while setting up project prueba: failed to clone project: failed to git clone from https://dev.azure.com/sliphup/_git/_git/Prueba: exit status 128

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):


      RedHat Demo Platform: Deploy 

      Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.13 Workshop 4.13.0

      DevSpace Operator:

      Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.6.0+0.1685322634.p provided by Red Hat




      Steps to Reproduce

      First, create in Azure Devops one application with repository.

      Second, create application priviliges for DevSapce. All steps include in the next url:


      Third, Install operator DevSpace 

      Fourth, create secret in the same namespace. All configuration include in the next url:


      Fifth, create new Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance Specification.

      Sixth, when finish deploy DevSpace, open workspace with git url repo from Azure DevOps Repo.

      Finish, return impossible open and error in project


      bash: cd: project-clone-errors.log: Not a directory
      projects $ cat project-clone-errors.log 
      2023/06/06 09:01:51 Read DevWorkspace at /devworkspace-metadata/flattened.devworkspace.yaml
      2023/06/06 09:01:51 Processing project prueba
      2023/06/06 09:01:51 Cloning project prueba to /projects/project-clone-2183814237/prueba
      2023/06/06 09:01:51 Encountered error while setting up project prueba: failed to clone project: failed to git clone from https://dev.azure.com/sliphup/_git/_git/Prueba: exit status 128


      Actual results:

      Not open repository and send errors

      Expected results:

      Open project correctly


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              abazko Anatolii Bazko
              adelahoz@redhat.com Alejandro De la Hoz Martin (Inactive)
              Mario Loriedo Mario Loriedo
              Jana Vrbkova Jana Vrbkova
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
