Resolution: Done
Description of problem:
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):
Steps to Reproduce
- Install DS 3.5.0 from "redhat-operators" catalog source using OperatorHub page of OCP with "Manual" update approval.
- Download dsc 3.6.0 binary
- log into the cluster
- execute "dsc server:update"
Actual results:
dsc failed to update DS 3.5.0 to 3.6.0:
console output
$ ./devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64/dsc/bin/dsc server:update › Current Kubernetes context: 'default/api-ds-airgap-v12-crw-qe-com:6443/admin' ✔ Verify Kubernetes API...[1.25] ❯ Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces operator pre-update check ✖ Check InstallPlan approval strategy → Subscription devspaces-subscription not found. Error: Command server:update failed with the error: Subscription devspaces-subscription not found. See details: /home/ndp/.cache/dsc/error.log.
2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z Error: Command server:update failed with the error: Subscription devspaces-subscription not found. See details: /home/ndp/.cache/dsc/error.log. 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z at Object.newError (~/tmp/devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64/dsc/lib/utils/utls.js:41:19) 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z at Object.wrapCommandError (~/tmp/devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64/dsc/lib/utils/command-utils.js:53:19) 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z at Update.<anonymous> (~/tmp/devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64/dsc/lib/commands/server/update.js:59:44) 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z at Generator.throw (<anonymous>) 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z at rejected (~/tmp/devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64/dsc/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:165:69) 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z Cause: Error: Subscription devspaces-subscription not found. 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z at Object.<anonymous> (~/tmp/devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64/dsc/lib/tasks/olm-tasks.js:224:27) 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z at Generator.next (<anonymous>) 2023-05-16T11:49:43.797Z at fulfilled (~/tmp/devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64/dsc/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:164:62)
Root cause: there was subscription named "devspaces", not "devspaces-subscription" in "openshift-operators" project.
Expected results:
dsc has updated DS 3.5.0 to DS 3.6.0
For example:
[18:33:05] Verify Kubernetes API [started] › Current Kubernetes context: 'default/api-ocp410-dnochev-crw-qe-com:6443/admin' [18:33:05] Verify Kubernetes API...[1.23] [title changed] [18:33:05] Verify Kubernetes API...[1.23] [completed] [18:33:05] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces operator pre-update check [started] [18:33:05] Check InstallPlan approval strategy [started] [18:33:05] Check InstallPlan approval strategy...[Manual] [title changed] [18:33:05] Check InstallPlan approval strategy...[Manual] [completed] [18:33:05] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces operator pre-update check [completed] [18:33:05] Update Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces operator [started] [18:33:05] Approve InstallPlan for devspaces-subscription [started] [18:33:08] Approve InstallPlan for devspaces-subscription...[OK] [title changed] [18:33:08] Approve InstallPlan for devspaces-subscription...[OK] [completed] [18:33:08] Update Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces operator [completed] [18:33:08] Show important messages [started] [18:33:08] devspaces is upgraded from '3.5.0-0.1679880270.p' to '3.6.0' version [started] [18:33:08] devspaces is upgraded from '3.5.0-0.1679880270.p' to '3.6.0' version [completed] [18:33:08] Show important messages [completed] Command server:update has completed successfully in 00:03.
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Acceptance criteria:
Definition of Done:
Build Details:
- DS 3.6.0.RC-05-09
- [devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64.tar.gz|devspaces-3.6.0-dsc-linux-x64.tar.gz] bundle of "dsc/3.6.0-CI-df26-redhat.6189e0bc linux-x64 node-v16.13.2" version
Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):
"dsc server:update" passed when run against DS 3.5.0 installed by dsc client, and there was subscription named "devspaces-subscription"
- is incorporated by
CRW-3897 Use `dsc` to update DevSpaces from `latest` to `next` build
- Closed