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Export - CSV (Current fields)
- CS-1778
Add a fedora messaging message when composes complete and when tests pass - CS-1509
Release Improvements - CS-1376
Migrate koji infra auth from REDHAT.COM to IPA.REDHAT.COM - CS-1321
GitOps - managing infra using git - CPE-2397
lists.centos.org seems to be down - CPE-2393
Need some OIDC credentials for com blog in STG - CPE-2347
requesting access for GitLab test instances - CPE-2338
The `openh264` package fails to install because of the GPG key - CPE-2335
Auth issues on blog platforms - CPE-2307
RFE: fedoras container image register change - CPE-2294
[CommOps] MediaWiki - HitCounter Extension - CPE-2292
Reinstall/migrate some new/older sponsored servers - CPE-2281
Fedora 41 Mass Branching Tracker - CPE-2241
httpd 2.4.61 causing issue in fedora infrastructure - CPE-2214
Investigate and untag packages that failed gating but were merged in via mass rebuild - CPE-2202
a few mass rebuild bumps failed to git push - script should retry or error - CPE-2190
Support allocation dedicated hosts for Testing Farm - CPE-2153
Some (?) retired packages not actually getting retired since ~2 days ago - CPE-2143
Feature / Change request: make the Fedora bugzilla more accessible - CPE-2140
Searching mailing list archives does not work
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