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  1. CPE Infrastructure
  2. CPE-2137

release-monitoring.org crawlers seem to not be running since ~June 26


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Testable


      It appears that the crawlers for different sources in release-monitoring.org have not been checking for new versions since about June 26. Checking projects where I know there have been new upstream releases shows that release-monitoring.org doesn't know about them, so it's not a problem with filing bugs in bugzilla. I don't know if this affects all crawlers, but at least the crates.io crawler has been dead for about a week.

      Forcing a refresh manually for those projects makes release-monitoring.org see the new releases and the-new-hotness to file bugs, so from what I can tell, everything is working, except the crawlers.

            rh-ee-mkonecny Michal Konecny
            rh-ee-mkonecny Michal Konecny
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