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    • XCMSTRAT-493ARO HCP (P5) - Public Preview
    • 0

      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)  

      Red Hat will manage ARO HCP control plane z-stream versions and upgrades on behalf of customers. Customers will have full control over y-stream upgrades. This feature tracks the ability for customers to schedule when such upgrades can happen, e.g. by setting maintenance windows or exclusion windows.

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      • As a customer, I can indicate that I would not like z-stream upgrades to happen during certain windows of time.
        • During CVE and incident response, Red Hat can still overrule these requests
      • As a customer, I can indicate that I would like my y-stream upgrade to start at a certain timein the future (i.e. I can schedule my y-stream upgrade)
      • The process of rolling out z-stream upgrades to the fleet (XCMSTRAT-624) should be as minimally impacted as possible by this


      • We will need to decide on maintenance window/exclusion window limitations and restrictions

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mshen.openshift Michael Shen
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