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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-10439

Modernize mod_cluster subsystem


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 14.0.0.Beta2
    • 12.0.0.Final, 13.0.0.Final
    • mod_cluster
    • None

      In order to support further subsystem development, specifically WFLY-6803, the subsystem needs to be modernized. While doing so, multiple issues are being uncovered (see linked issues). The scope within this Jira is also to:

      • remove code duplication, remove verbose useless operation handlers
      • fix model descriptions to be useful, e.g. "modcluster.dynamic-load-provider.configuration.decay=Decay" are completely meaningless (avoid words like configuration, specifies, etc; remove references to only native httpd-based implementation, etc)
      • make XSD usable, basically everything needs to be xs:string (i.e. because of expressions)

            rhn-engineering-rhusar Radoslav Husar
            rhn-engineering-rhusar Radoslav Husar
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
