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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-5978

Move WildFly Core distribution to Jakarta Namespace Renamed dependencies


      Right now WildFly Core is still using pre-Jakarta EE 10 dependencies. All the relevant artifacts brought in from WildFly Core to WildFly full are overwritten in Full to use the expected dependencies. In addition, due to WFLY-16684, legacy dependencies brought by WildFly Core are already detached and also overwritten in Full.

      That situation allows WildFly Core to move on and use Jakarta EE 10 dependencies on its distribution and test suite.

      There is only one feature-pack in WildFly Core so we cannot use easily work on incremental steps to accomplish the migration, so this single Jira will be used for all the changes.

      Some of the identified steps are:

      • Add ee-10-api module to replace the ee-8-api used in core-feature-pack
      • Use the Jakarta EE 10 expected dependencies for the test suite and build (jboss-invocation-jakarta, Undertow, elytron-integration)
      • Migrate tests cases

      After this change and once the WildFly Core release is merged on full we need to add a follow-up task to replace the overrides currently done on WildFly full and get let wildfly-core continue driving the dependencies

            yborgess1@redhat.com Yeray Borges Santana
            yborgess1@redhat.com Yeray Borges Santana
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