Resolution: Unresolved
BIZ-679 - Ansible on AWS, SaaS
Implement a new endpoint to return the list of billing_account_ids for all instances currently reporting under a specified org_id and optional product_tag/billing_provider
If you load the instance list in the UI, we put instances for all cloud accounts together, which isn't super useful for a user. The UI will be updated to default to filter to a particular billing account id. Cloud accounts where they have usage coming in, and a second API where they have cloud accounts for subs with a given product. Then be able to say "this account you're sending for doesn't have an active subscription"
Acceptance Criteria
Endpoint Details:
New GET endpoint at /api/swatch-tally/v1/instances/billing_account_ids
Required Parameters:
org_id, string, query parameter, can support only one value
Optional Parameters:
product_tag, string, query parameter
billing_provider, string, query parameter
This API should be paginated in the same manner as the instances API.
No paging, because we expect this to be used to populate a drop-down.
Apply basic alphabetical sorting by default so it's easier for users to find what they're looking for in the drop down menu.
SORT BY billingProvider, billingAccountId ASC
RH Associates w/ admin permission: If the user is an RH associate w/ admin privileges, the org_id in the header does not need to match the org_id in the query parameters.
Customers: If the user is a customer, the org_id in the header must match the org_id in the query parameters. If it does not, return a 403 Unauthorized response.
200 OK: Returns an array of objects with fields:
- org_id
- product_tag
- billing_provider
- billing_account_id
If no billing account IDs match the specified filters, return an empty array.
Add an entry to the nginx reverse proxy configuration in the swatch-api to direct requests to /api/rhsm-subscriptions/v1/instances/billing_account_ids to /api/swatch-tally/v1/instances/billing_account_ids
Performance Consideration:
Consider which "starting point" (e.g. host_tally_buckets, tally_snapshots) will have the lowest cardinality of data loaded into memory
-Refinement note: host_tally_buckets has many fewer rows than tally_snapshots and likely a better option.
Scenarios to test:
- When an unauthenticated user attempts to access this endpoint they get a 401 Unauthorized response
- When a RH associate without admin permissions accesses this endpoint, they get a 403
- When a RH associate with admin permissions accesses this endpoint, they are able to provide any org_id and get a 200 OK.
- When a customer accesses this endpoint and specifies their own org_id, they get a 200 OK.
- When a customer accesses this endpoint and specifies a different org_id, they get a 403.
- Any authenticated attempt to access this endpoint with a missing org_id returns a 400.
- Given an account without any billing_account_ids, the response from an authenticated customer should be a 200 OK with an empty array.
- Given an account without more than one page of billing_account_ids, the response from an authenticated user customer should be a 200 OK with paginated results.
- When an authenticated request attempts to pass more than one org_id, there should be a error response (exact code/error is dependent on resteasy/jax-rs behavior)
- blocks
SWATCH-3251 Provide a visual warning to customers if metering is misconfigured
- Backlog
- clones
SWATCH-3028 Create API to query billing_account_ids for active subscriptions
- In Progress