Resolution: Unresolved
BIZ-679 - Ansible on AWS, SaaS
Implement a new endpoint to return the list of billing_account_ids for all subscriptions for a specified org_id and optional product_tag/billing_provider
Acceptance Criteria
Endpoint Details:
New GET endpoint at /api/swatch-contracts/v1/subscriptions/billing_account_ids
Required Parameters:
org_id, string, query parameter, can support only one value
Optional Parameters:
product_tag, string, query parameter (we want to support use cases with and without this parameter)
billing_provider, string, query parameter
Apply basic alphabetical sorting by default so it's easier for users to find what they're looking for in the drop down menu.
SORT BY billingProvider, billingAccountId ASC
Admin Users: If the user is an admin, the org_id in the header does not need to match the org_id in the query parameters.
Non-Admin Users: If the user is not an admin, the org_id in the header must match the org_id in the query parameters. If it does not, return a 403 Unauthorized response.
200 OK: Returns an array of objects with fields:
- org_id
- product_tag
- billing_provider
- billing_account_id
If no billing account IDs match the specified filters, return an empty array.
Add an entry to the nginx reverse proxy configuration in the swatch-api to direct requests to /api/rhsm-subscriptions/v1/subscriptions/billing_account_ids to /api/swatch-contracts/v1/subscriptions/billing_account_ids
Scenarios to test:
- When an unauthenticated user attempts to access this endpoint they get a 401 Unauthorized response
- When a RH associate without admin permissions accesses this endpoint, they get a 403
- When a RH associate with admin permissions accesses this endpoint, they are able to provide any org_id and get a 200 OK.
- When a customer accesses this endpoint and specifies their own org_id, they get a 200 OK.
- When a customer accesses this endpoint and specifies a different org_id, they get a 403.
- Any authenticated attempt to access this endpoint with a missing org_id returns a 400.
- Given an account without any billing_account_ids, the response from an authenticated customer should be a 200 OK with an empty array.
Given an account without more than one page of billing_account_ids, the response from an authenticated user customer should be a 200 OK with paginated results.- When an authenticated request attempts to pass more than one org_id, there should be a error response (exact code/error is dependent on resteasy/jax-rs behavior)
- blocks
SWATCH-3251 Provide a visual warning to customers if metering is misconfigured
- Backlog
- is cloned by
SWATCH-3029 Create API to query billing_account_ids for instances connected to usage
- In Progress