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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-24408

[RFE] - Display a message on the "Content ---> Subscriptions" page stating that "Simple Content Access (SCA) from Red Hat Satellite 6.16 version and beyond is the ONLY feature offered for Red Hat Subscription Management".


      I believe it would be good to display the message stated in the title of the RFE on the "Content ---> Subscriptions" page just like we have a message on the previous versions of Satellite Server displaying the status of SCA on their organization.

      This will enforce in customer's mind the fact that subscription-based model is definitely going to go away, and they can be prepared for it.

      This will also lead to less tickets easing the burden on support engineers where they will not have to explain the customers why they are not able to have subscription-based model any longer.

      Further, I can confirm that there isn't any checkbox/option on the "Administer ---> Organizations ---> Primary" page to enable/disable Simple Content Access feature, further confirming the fact that SCA model is the only way to go from this version onwards.

      However, I do feel that the above message can be very helpful to have on the "Content ---> Subscriptions" page.

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            rhn-support-ajambhul Anand Jambhulkar
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