Description of problem:
When importing content that was exported in chunks, the importer process concatenate the chunks into a single file in order to import.
If that import task fails for some reason, after the chunks were already combined into a single file, the user can't simply re-run the same command to retry the import. Satellite will complain that the chunks are missing.
Checking the directory, we can see that the chunks are gone and only the master file is present (together with metadata.json and TOC file).
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
6.10, 6.11, 6.12
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Export something using chunks
2. Start the import on another satellite. Monitor the data directory until all the chunk files are gone and only the main file is present. At this moment, kill the pulpcore-worker which is processing the import. Wait until the task returns with error.
3. Repeat the same import command. Pulp will error out with an error like this:
Feb 27 16:38:56 reproducer-import pulpcore-worker-3[156191]: pulp [6c91f855-9959-43b1-864f-925393ae025a]: pulpcore.tasking.pulpcore_worker:INFO: Task ddf45eb1-adea-480e-9114-748baa7bd7bf failed ([ErrorDetail(string="Missing import-chunks named in table-of-contents: ['export-fc4273a4-6320-4fd5-98c9-6adfe9461781-20230227_2132.tar.gz.0000', 'export-fc4273a4-6320-4fd5-98c9-6adfe9461781-20230227_2132.tar.gz.0001', 'export-fc4273a4-6320-4fd5-98c9-6adfe9461781-20230227_2132.tar.gz.0002'].", code='invalid')])
Actual results:
Re-running same import fails, complaining about chunks missing. User needs to modify the TOC file manually OR split the master file in chunks again OR copy the files again in order to run the import.
Expected results:
Pulp could be smart enough to identify either all the chunks are present OR the global file file. If the checksum matches, move forward with the import.
Additional info:
I've been seeing this for a while, since previous versions. Not a new thing.