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Top level Ansible variables setting is not available on satellite server.SAT-22111
Documentation for setting up a 6.12 load-balanced capsule includes non-existing option `--foreman-proxy-registration-url`SAT-21547
[QE] Clicking on "Run all Ansible roles" via Host Groups shows a blank page with no indication of running jobsSAT-21546
[QE] - Ansible icon under 'Origin' column in 'Config Management' Reports is broken on Satellite 6.11 Web UI.SAT-21545
[QE] Ansible icon under 'Origin' column in 'Config Management' Reports is broken on Satellite 6.11 Web UI.SAT-21476
Contradicting statements for the IPv6 single-stack deployment of Satellite 6 with IPv4 Proxy.SAT-20853
[QE] Incremental export of Content View broken by syncable exportSAT-20843
[DEV] Incremental export of Content View broken by syncable exportSAT-20751
[DDF] Certified hypervisors pointing to the duplicate article https://access.redhat.com/solutions/certified-hypervisors.SAT-20689
Outdated step in Red Hat Satellite/Capsule 6.11, 6.12 and 6.13 installation guides for configuring an External DHCP ServerSAT-20629
[DDF] please add "repositories-setup" to the whitelist for this commandSAT-20345
[QE] [6.14]Reclaim space for repository fails with Cannot delete some instances of model 'Artifact' because they are referenced through protected foreign keys: 'ContentArtifact.artifact'."SAT-19709
[DDF] To not use /tmp or /var/tmp to store SSL certificates or tar bundles in Satellite or capsuleSAT-19429
[DEV] The default "Katello Sync" webhook template has @object.task.action_output defined which is not a valid safemode method in Satellite 6.12SAT-19186
Include the topic "Creating a Custom SSL Certificate for Satellite Server" once again in the documentation for Satellite and capsule installation.SAT-18941
[QE] Can't rerun a failed content-import task if it was exported using chunksSAT-18641
[QE] The default "Katello Sync" webhook template has @object.task.action_output defined which is not a valid safemode method in Satellite 6.12SAT-18234
[DDF] The three sections 'Using yum to Check for Package Updates', 'Enabling yum for Satellite Server or Capsule ServerSAT-17845
Ansible icon under 'Origin' column in 'Config Management' Reports is broken on Satellite 6.11 Web UI.SAT-17810
[QE] Can't update the redhat_repository_url without changing the cdn_configuration to custom_cdn
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