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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-4229

Update rhods_aggregate_availability metric to include a label for individual components


    • RHODS 1.15

      We send a metric, rhods_aggregate_availability, to Telemetry. We intend to use this metric to track the overall up/down status of RHODS over time.

      Currently, this metric tracks availability of all components of RHODS. If any component is down, the metric is marked as down. We don't have visibility into what specific component is down at a given point in time.

      Update this metric to include a label indicating the availability of each component over time. At a minimum, we should send values for both the ODH dashboard and the JupyterHub spawner.

      We also want to retain the current functionality of aggregating all components into a single up/down value. We can likely accomplish this by having an additional value for the component label that indicates the aggregate of all components.

        1. test2_image4.png
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        5. Peek 2022-06-23 19-23.webm
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        7. image4.png
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        8. image3.png
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        9. image2.png
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        10. image1.png
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        11. availability4.webm
          874 kB
        12. availability_metric3.webm
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        13. availability_metric2.webm
          5.04 MB
        14. availability_metric.webm
          9.19 MB

              rh-ee-atheodor Adriana Theodorakopoulou
              acorvin@redhat.com Alex Corvin
              Pablo Felix Pablo Felix (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
