Resolution: Done
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
- Bulk import from Git
- git providers to support by priority
- github.com & github enterprise
- gitlab
- azure gitops
- Bitbucket
- where the generated catalog-info should be stored? (need feedback from customers)
- PR against source
- only in Backstage db
- separate git repo
- RBAC for github repos
- extending github auth provider to get required info?
- querying LDAP or AD to get required info?
- Special role (like admin) that will allow only users with that role to do import (this will allow the role access to all repositories accessible by the integration)
- This look to be the chosen option at the moment
- how to generate catalog-info
- who should be able to see and access the plugin?
- Platform engineers / admins only
- service now ticketing for approvers
- This option should be toggleable if ServiceNow is not used or available
- Would we want to keep track of the status of the tickets (or pull/merge requests for the repositories if ServiceNow is not used) to show progress of the bulk import?
- This would require periodic querying of ServiceNow API or Git provider API for statuses
- How to get the Github (or other git provider) pull request status from ServiceNow ticket?
- Can we just trust that the pull request is merged once the ServiceNow ticket is resolved?
- Ex: import statuses such as
- Queued (waiting for the task to do the ingestion/pull request to start)
- Waiting for PR Approval
- Waiting for ServiceNow Ticket Resolution (if ServiceNow is used)
- PR Rejected
- ServiceNow Ticket Rejected (if ServiceNow is used)
- Finished and Ingested
- Ingestion Error (if there’s some error like illegal name, entity name already exists in catalog and such)
- Do we want to allow users to retry ingestion for failed tickets/PRs/ingestions?
- create another service now ticket or pull request
- If the issue is an ingestion failure due to incorrect configurations, then potentially have them manually fix it or allow fixing the `catalog-info.yaml` via the plugin with a YAML editor (and create PR or ServiceNow ticket to apply the change?)
- UX mockups
- can we use orchestrator for parts of this?
- running it per-org is probably ok
- How do we determine what organizations/repositories to show?
- Does the end user provide of a list of organizations to import from or do we need to infer somehow?
- Need a way to automate the repository selection process (something like a YAML configuration or Regex?)
- For Github, it should be possible to use a github app for each org and configure the integrations section of the app-config.yaml with the apps' credentials, to gain access to all the organizations
- Alternatively, have a public github app that is installed across multiple organizations?
- How do we determine what organizations/repositories to show?
- dealing with monorepo (multiple components in one repository)
- Need customer feedback on how many monorepos they own
- If number of monorepos are low, then potentially allowing them to exclude them (and have users manually import them) could be an option
General Flow (Subject to Change)
- git providers to support by priority
- Prompt user for an organization or user (support for multiple can be added in the future)
- List all repositories in the given organization or user that the github apps have access to.
- Allow the user to select a subset of the repositories
- Generate a catalog-info.yaml for each repository based on provided information and open a PR to add it into the repository
- We will want the admin user to be able to customize this catalog-info.yaml with things like annotations, owners, etc.
- We should have a default catalog-info.yaml if no additional configurations were provided
- A dryrun catalog ingestion should occur to determine if any entity name collisions occur.
- Import shouldn't fail, so something like a -(number) may need to be appended to the end of the entity name to ensure uniqueness
- Sanitation of inputs will also be required to follow the backstage naming schemas.
- Initial implementation won't do tracking of import status (ex: Waiting for PR Approval) and will operate on a Fire and Forget basis
- We will still want to track whether the PR was created properly and if the generated catalog-info.yaml was valid and track those failures if they occur
- Prompt user for an organization or user (support for multiple can be added in the future)
- Discovery
- OpenShift
- Tekton
- ArgoCD
- etc
Acceptance Criteria
- As a platform engineer, I want to give permission to specific users/groups to use the bulk import plugin using RBAC
- As a platform engineer, I want to provide a template of the `catalog-info.yaml` that will be used by the bulk import plugin
- As a developer, I want to be able to bulk import my existing applications available in Git (GitHub, GitLab, etc.).
- As a developer, I should import only the repositories I have access to. I cannot import someone else repo.
- As a developer, when I import a Git repo, it should create a PR with the catalog-info.yaml and add the component to the catalog.
- It would be great that the process is using a software template. The platform engineer will be able to provide the catalog-info file and define the various steps. Create the PR, submit a ServiceNow ticket, send a notification, add to the catalog, or anything else.
- is cloned by
RHIDP-956 Increase RHDH adoption with bulk import: OpenShift component discovery
- New
RHIDP-957 Increase RHDH adoption with bulk import: ArgoCD component discovery
- New
RHIDP-958 Increase RHDH adoption with bulk import: Tekton component discovery
- New
- is related to
RHIDP-3293 Migrate the Bulk Import related plugins to the Red Hat plugins repository
- Closed
RHIDP-3962 rhdh-plugins repository and automation
- Closed