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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-3962

rhdh-plugins repository and automation

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      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)

      Create a reusable automation framework for the rhdh-plugins repository to streamline plugin development, testing, and release processes.


      • Establish a standardized automation process for RHDH plugins
      • Facilitate easier collaboration and contribution from the community
      • Provide a template for other teams and customers to set up their own plugin repositories
      • Ensure consistency between the community-plugins repo and rhdh-plugins repo

      Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):

      • Extract and implement automation from the community-plugins repo to rhdh-plugins repo:
        • Create a script to copy relevant automation files from community-plugins to rhdh-plugins
        • Initial automation should include:
          • Unit tests per plugin workspace
          • realease / changeset generation
          • Renovate setup
          • version bumping
      • Documentation:
        • Include detailed comments within the automation scripts
        • Generate auto-documentation from the scripts
      • CI/CD Independence:
        • Where possible the automation is flexible enough to accommodate various customer environments and CI/CD systems
          • For the first iteration, we will focus on copying the GitHub Actions
          • If we create new automation, it should be designed to be environment-agnostic
      • Maintainability:
        • Create a process for updating or rebasing automation when community-plugins repo is updated
        • We can start with a simple copy script to the new repo and manual review:
          • Allows for careful examination and adaptation of automation components
          • Enables identification of RHDH-specific modifications needed
          • Eases later rebasing / updating with community-plugins repo

            bgriggs@redhat.com Bethany Griggs
            rh-ee-mhild Marcel Hild
            RHIDP - Core Platform
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