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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-860

Employee rostering unable to deploy due to unresolvable placeholder in orm.xml


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 7.3.0.GA
    • 7.3.0.GA
    • OptaPlanner
    • None
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      1. get optaweb-employee-rostering project
      2. mvn clean install -Dproductized -DskipTests
      3. in the ee subsystem of Wildfly's standalone.xml, configure:
      4. deploy the employee-rostering WAR
      5. see a server log for error message

      Alternatively, try to

      1. get optaweb-employee-rostering project 2. mvn clean install -Dproductized -DskipTests 3. in the ee subsystem of Wildfly's standalone.xml, configure: <spec-descriptor-property-replacement>true</spec-descriptor-property-replacement> 4. deploy the employee-rostering WAR 5. see a server log for error message Alternatively, try to

      Employee Rostering cannot be deployed with the productized profile. As the persistence-related parameter need to be provided at runtime, wildfly is able to take placeholders in some configuration files (e.g. persistence.xml). For more details see RHDM-745.

      However, after configuring the property replacement (see steps to reproduce), the deployment fails as one of the placeholders is in orm.xml, where Wildfly does not do the replacement.

        1. stacktrace
          3 kB
          Radovan Synek

              rsynek@redhat.com Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              rsynek@redhat.com Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              Radovan Synek Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              Radovan Synek Radovan Synek (Inactive)
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