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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-6098

RH134-443: RHT1745408 selinux man pages


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • RH134 - RHEL9.0-en-2-20220609
    • RH134
    • None
    • 4
    • ROLE
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/rh134-9.0/pages/ch04s05
      Reporter RHNID: ssanyal@redhat.com
      Section: 5 - Adjust SELinux Policy with Booleans
      Language: en-US (English)||||||||

      Description: as per external learner  suggestion on snow ticket RHT1745408

      " The "Adjust SELinux Policy with Booleans" section references _selinux man pages (e.g. httpd_selinux(8)). However these are not installed by default. man selinux(8) references using man -k _selinux to access sepolicy man pages, but with the pages not installed by default this is particularly confusing. RHEL 7 documentation provides advice on installing _selinux man pages: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/selinux_users_and_administrators_guide/security-enhanced_linux-the-sepolicy-suite-sepolicy_manpage ...however this is no longer in the RHEL 9 documentation (or at least I couldn't find it). A quick note on installing _selinux man pages using $ sepolicy manpage -a -p /usr/local/share/man/man8 $ mandb would save a lot of hassle and confusion for students dealing with this issue as this information was not easy to find. "




            glsbugs-hybridcloud@redhat.com PTL - RHEL Team
            ssanyal@redhat.com samik sanyal
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