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- PTL-6210
RH134-567: User query: Ch08s06: The user wants to use rescue.target instead of emergency.target at step 2.5 but failing to do so. - PTL-6145
RH134-584: feedback -- https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/rh134-9.0/pages/ch02s04 - PTL-6098
RH134-443: RHT1745408 selinux man pages - PTL-6070
RH134-494: Nice vaule for regular user < 0 - Permissione denied - PTL-6066
RH134-515: ch02s02 step 2 could save a minute by being +2 min - PTL-6033
RH134-571: RHT1888630 - Red Hat Academy reset servera does not work using Netlab - PTL-6021
RH134-563: [China] Error on lab finish script ch11s09 - PTL-6020
RH134-540: Why do we have troubleshooting of an error when learning about systemd? - PTL-6019
RH134-514: "that is you have open" typo - PTL-6015
RH134-429: Problems with the description of the boot process, ch08 - PTL-6009
RH134-527: Incorrect use of file-system instead of file system? - PTL-6006
RH134-525: Failures with lab start (and finish) boot-resetting - PTL-6005
RH134-451: RHT1789057 - prompt should show root user, not student - PTL-5999
RH134-569: RHT1873122 - lab grading script don't consider possible variations - PTL-5996
RH134-522: What nfs mount options are there, what is 'rw'? - PTL-5994
RH134-511: RHT1860227 - nfsconf is explained in the video but has dissapeared from the guide - PTL-5993
RH134-559: [China] Error on lab start and finish script ch10s04 - PTL-5990
RH134-539: What is myapp.service and why is it part of the output of sudo useradd appdev-adm? - PTL-5987
RH134-521: two typos in para on db applications - PTL-5986
RH134-550: "Lab: Manage Network Security" solution uses --permanent with --list-all commands
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