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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-5661

RH134-490: RHT1828701 ---- User Feedback


    • 10
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/rh134-9.0/pages/ch10s02
      Reporter RHNID: yuvaraj-rhls
      Section: 2 - Guided Exercise - Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux
      Language: en-US (English)||||||||

      Description: If you go to RH134 chapter 10, the video titled "Chapter 10 | Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux | Guided Exervise - Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux" starting at 4:20 in the video the instructor tells you to "reset server A to a clean sate" Then he directs you to go to the lab controls page and go to the action "reset" on servera. Doing this does not reset server A to a clean state. It just reboots servera, and does NOT take the VM back to a clean state. So the instructions are incorrect according to what I saw when doing this myself and talking to the support chat. I was trusting that the instructor's instructions were accurate so I did this a number of times and wasted a good bit of time. Rather than having incorrect instructions , I recommend this video be updated with the correct instructions or the controls on the VMs be changed to do what he says they do. I have no preference; I just do not want others to waste time like I did on this or be miss-lead.

            rht-aglogowski Artur Glogowski
            yuvaraj-rhls yuvaraj b
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