Resolution: Unresolved
Part II:Quay.io presence on HAC
User Experience
To Do
Quay Hosted
50% To Do, 0% In Progress, 50% Done
Epic Goal
- This epic is tangential to Epic: 5456 which aims to provide a reliable user experience on the new domain with full UI parity but its focus on Quay.io UI work
- Provide a UI landing page and happy user journey path for unauthenticated users to use Quay on console.redhat.com to welcome users to Quay's new look, feel and location.
- Track user analytics to assess user retention and adoption behavior in the user journey to HAC using Pendo (for in-app surveying & retroactive data collection) and Amplitude
- Allow users to buy paid plans: whether on RH Marketplace or Stripe or AWS Marketplace
- Set up Quay for future integrations with other Red Hat services also hosted by the Hybrid Application Console through creating seamless UX experience inter-products
Why is this important?
- Provide a path for unauthenticated and authenticated users to experience the new UI on console.redhat.com
- Data-led decisions: by leveraging the data collected on Pendo and Amplitude hosted on console.redhat.com, we can better understand customer's integration needs and develop new solutions that meet them. This data will help assess the effectiveness of the migration, identify areas for improvement, and uncover new opportunities for integration and collaboration between Quay and other Red Hat services
- We need a way for users to pay for the product and select which tier fits their use case
- Reduce the disjointed UX experience across RH Products through unification in 1 place: As an isolated website, Quay has no technical or logical connection to the rest of Red Hat's service ecosystem. As a HAC tenant we also need to ensure that users can easily locate all they need to be successful on Quay, just as they would on Quay.io.
Acceptance Criteria
- Unauthenticated users are redirected to console.rh.com with a seamless transition and are brought to our landing page and prompted to create an account.
- Using Pendo we configure users to have mandatory in-app surveys pop up in there user journey on Console.redhat.com. Using Amplitude we will have more powerful insights on user adoption and behaviors on the product.
- As user in the UI I should be able to select which payment plan I want to subscribe to and select the method of payment via RH Marketplace or Stripe or AWS Marketplace
- depends on
PROJQUAY-3203 Part I: Migrate Quay.io web presence to HAC
- Closed
- incorporates
PROJQUAY-5207 Phase 3: Quay.io Summit Deliverables
- Closed
- is related to
PROJQUAY-5456 Phase 4: Core UI Functionality
- New
PROJQUAY-943 Quay UI enhancements
- New
PROJQUAY-3865 Phase 1: MVP UI for Normal & Superusers
- Closed
PROJQUAY-3996 Phase 2: MVP - Quay.io UI Launch
- Closed
(1 is related to)