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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-2119

Quay config validation fails on PostgreSQL 11 backed by SSL


      # docker logs -f quay-db-ssl
         __   __
        /  \ /  \     ______   _    _     __   __   __
       / /\ / /\ \   /  __  \ | |  | |   /  \  \ \ / /
      / /  / /  \ \  | |  | | | |  | |  / /\ \  \   /
      \ \  \ \  / /  | |__| | | |__| | / ____ \  | |
       \ \/ \ \/ /   \_  ___/  \____/ /_/    \_\ |_|
        \__/ \__/      \ \__
                        \___\ by Red Hat
       Build, Store, and Distribute your Containers
      Running all default registry services
      Running init script '/quay-registry/conf/init/certs_create.sh'
      Generating a RSA private key
      writing new private key to 'mitm-key.pem'
      Running init script '/quay-registry/conf/init/certs_install.sh'
      Installing extra certificates found in /quay-registry/conf/stack/extra_ca_certs directory
      Running init script '/quay-registry/conf/init/copy_config_files.sh'
      Running init script '/quay-registry/conf/init/d_validate_config_bundle.sh'
      Validating Configuration
      | Database               | Could not connect to database. Error: FATAL #28000 no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "testuser", database "quay", SSL off |   |

      Output of pg_hba.conf:

      hostssl replication     all               md5
      hostssl replication     all             ::1/128                 md5
      hostssl all             all              md5
      hostssl all             all              md5

      The IP address of the container should be covered with the CIDR in question. I've also ran a simple Centos container to see if the issue is really in the IP address as the validator tool is telling me but I can in fact log on via psql in the container:

      [root@a25d1ebde7ce /]# psql "user=testuser dbname=quay host="
      psql (10.15, server 11.12 (Debian 11.12-0+deb10u1))
      WARNING: psql major version 10, server major version 11.
               Some psql features might not work.
      SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
      Type "help" for help.
      quay=# \q
      [root@a25d1ebde7ce /]# hostname -i
      [root@a25d1ebde7ce /]#

      Note that the container has the same IP address as Quay container does. I've used the following DB settings in my config.yaml file:

          autorollback: true
          threadlocals: true
            ssl: /conf/stack/extra_ca_certs/database.pem
      DB_URI: postgresql://testuser:test123@

      Since this issue hits many of our customers currently, I'm marking this issue as a blocker.

              jonathankingfc Jonathan King
              rhn-support-ibazulic Ivan Bazulic
              1 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
