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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-3166

Service Mesh in Production Topic


      The default configurations for many of Service Mesh's components are not production level. A frequent question from customers is how to configure Service Mesh for production.

      While a significant portion of "production" configuration is dependent on the application, use case, volume of traffic, etc. we could at least point out some of the considerations when moving from our default "starting" configuration to a more production.

      This is related to the issue: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSSMDOC-223, which is to document some resource guidelines for OSSM components (incl. Kiali, Jaeger, etc) and their backend components.

      One possible direction this could take is to have example configurations for all of the CRDs (SMCP, etc) with notes. We have this for Jaeger in the Custom Resources section, but not for other SMCP components for some reason. I would suggest breaking this into its own page, and turning "Custom Resources" into a pure reference page for our CRDs (pending reorg of the docs).

      Once Service Mesh is running, the next question is - what vitals (metrics - such as memory consumption, etc) should be monitored to ensure that the Service Mesh Control Planes and/or Envoy proxies are healthy. Should any particular metrics be alerted on, etc?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jlongmui@redhat.com Jamie Longmuir
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