
    • must-gather/sosreport support
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    • OSPRH-811Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Greenfield Deployment
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    • OSPRH-811 - Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Greenfield Deployment
    • openstack-must-gather-container-1.0.0-46
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      .openstack-must-gather SOS report support

      You can now collect diagnostic information about your RHOSO deployment using the openstack-must-gather.

      You can retrieve SOS reports for both the RHOCP control plane and RHOSO data plane nodes using a single command, and options are available to dump specific information related to a particular deployed service.
      .openstack-must-gather SOS report support You can now collect diagnostic information about your RHOSO deployment using the openstack-must-gather. You can retrieve SOS reports for both the RHOCP control plane and RHOSO data plane nodes using a single command, and options are available to dump specific information related to a particular deployed service.
    • Enhancement
    • Done
    • Rejected
    • Storage
    • Approved

      In the podified world the way we must gather our SOS reports will greatly differ:

      • Control Plane Services can be spread across many OpenShift nodes.
      • For some services we may require little information (API service) while for others we may require a lot including kernel messages from the host (cinder volume).
      • We will require both OpenShift and OSP information
      • Logging for OpenStack services will be retrieved differently

      We need to ensure we have a well define mechanism and procedure to gather the right SOS reports before our first customer case comes in.

      Related links:

      Documentation to test the tool is available since DP2 and specifically, from DP3 it is at: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/18.0-dev-preview/html/deploying_red_hat_openstack_platform_18.0_development_preview_3_on_red_hat_openshift_container_platform/assembly_collecting-diagnostic-information-for-support

            gfidente-rh Giulio Fidente
            geguileo@redhat.com Gorka Eguileor
            Alfredo Garcia Alfredo Garcia
            0 Vote for this issue
            12 Start watching this issue
