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  1. OpenJDK
  2. OPENJDK-3395

determine what test coverage is required for the openshift template


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      What is the acceptable amount of test coverage for the jlink OpenShift template and image combination to get QE approval to release?

      Non-exhaustive list of ideas:

      1. Template YAML is a syntactically valid YAML document
      2. …that describes a valid OpenShift template
      3. each template parameter that is Required and has no default value causes instantiation to fail
      4. processing the template produces a valid YAML document/documents
      5. …that are valid OpenShift objects (accepted by e.g. oc create)
      6. …that are all poor-man's-namespaced with the APPNAME parameter (OPENJDK-2903)
      7. creating the objects causes Builds to be created
      8. given an appropriate  interval of time, all three build stages are executed
      9. resulting application is deployed (OPENJDK-2992)
      10. hit a test URI on the deployment and get expected response

      Other thoughts: test more than one app source? happy path testing, what else?

              rhn-support-sfroberg Scott Froberg
              jdowland@redhat.com Jonathan Dowland
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