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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-6187

Add user preference option for default project / namespace


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • openshift-4.9
    • None
    • UI
    • None
    • ODC Sprint 204, ODC Sprint 205, ODC Sprint 206


      As a user, I want set a preference which project/namespace should be opened when the URL doesn't contain a namespace. It should contain an option "Last viewed" which defaults to the latest used project (matches the previous implementation).

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. New user preference option "Project" to select "Last viewed" or a project
      2. When the user open a URL without a namespace the new preference should be used, for example when /, /add or /topology is opened.
      3. URLs with a namespace should ignore the preferences, like /add/all-namespaces /topology/ns/christoph?view=list

      Additional Details:

              ariroy@redhat.com Aritra Roy (Inactive)
              cjerolim Christoph Jerolimov
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
