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  1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Strategy
  2. OCPSTRAT-459

[Tech Preview] Openshift CLI Manager ( A preferred way to deliver openshift CLI )


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      Unify delivery of openshift CLI and improve customer experience in maintaining life cycle of those CLI via Openshift CLI manager  **


      Current state : Openshift CLI list and their delivery  mechanism 

      CLI How customer can download it 
      OC Direct download from openshift document 
      Knative CLI (kn) Download from Operator 
      Pipelines CLI (tkn) Direct download from openshift document 
      opm CLI Link OpenShift mirror site
      ocm Download from cloud.redhat.com 
      rosa Download from cloud.redhat.com 
      ccocli Direct download from openshift document 
      Red Hat OpenShift GitOps CLI Download from Operator 

      Why we need a CLI Manager 


      As the number of projects in openshift is increasing, so is the number of CLI’s associated with those projects . These CLI’s are not bundled with Openshift payload and made available to be downloaded via RPM, Operators, cloud.redhat.com or Extract binaries. 

      Example in Openhsift https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.11/cli_reference/index.html We have listed 5 CLI and each CLI has its own documentation page .Each CLI has its own download location and different ways of installing them on linux and windows . 


      Imagine in a few years if that list grows to 10 or 20 CLI then how are we going to manage ? 




      Persona 1 : Openshift administrator 

      How Openshift CLI Manager will make openshift admin( user of CLI)  life easy 


      As an Openshift admin i don't have to worry about 

      1. How to discover list of openshift CLI that i can download 
      2. Where to install them
      3. Maintain life cycle of those CLI (upgrade/delete)

      Persona 2 : Openshift CLI developer  

      How Openshift CLI Manager will make CLI developer life easy 


      As a CLI developer I don't have to worry about how to deliver my CLI to the customer via RPM, Operators, cloud.redhat.com or Extract binaries ?


      Example if i am ROSA cli developer i don't have to worry about

      1. Listing CLI based on OS type on cloud.redhat.com 
      2. Provide 4 page instruction to use on how to download https://docs.openshift.com/rosa/rosa_cli/rosa-get-started-cli.html 


      Just go to  https://github.com/openshift/krew-index and 

      1. Write a Krew plugin manifest file.
      2. Tell you customer to run oc krew install ROSA CLI

              gausingh@redhat.com Gaurav Singh
              gausingh@redhat.com Gaurav Singh
              Jan Chaloupka
              Rama Kasturi Narra Rama Kasturi Narra
              Stephanie Stout Stephanie Stout
              Jan Chaloupka Jan Chaloupka
              Gaurav Singh Gaurav Singh
              0 Vote for this issue
              24 Start watching this issue


                  Original Estimate - 11 weeks
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