Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-526 - Cloud Controller Managers: Final Testing and GA tasks - Phase 1
CLOUD Sprint 203, CLOUD Sprint 204, CLOUD Sprint 205, CLOUD Sprint 206
Following from some conversation with David Eads about the CCMs and their introduction into 4.9, https://coreos.slack.com/archives/C011CSSPBLK/p1623938744069100?thread_ts=1623927702.066700&cid=C011CSSPBLK, we need to have TechPreviewNoUpgrade (TPNU) variants of the release informing jobs (eg e2e-aws and e2e-aws-serial) for each of the platforms we are introducing as TP in 4.9, ie OpenStack, AWS, Azure.
To achieve this, we need to create new chains in the step registry to create clusters on each of these platforms with a TechPreviewNoUpgrade feature gate applied.
Once this step registry addition is made, we will create new periodic jobs to add to the release informing status pages (https://sippy.ci.openshift.org/?release=4.9) for each of the three platforms for the regular E2E and Serial E2E test suites.
This will allow us to gather some confidence during the 4.9 release cycle about the validity of the out of tree cloud provider implementations that we are planning to GA in 4.10.
- blocks
OCPCLOUD-1188 Create CI job to exercise cluster install with TechPreview feature gate
- Closed
- is blocked by
OCPCLOUD-1209 Ensure MCO observes feature gate manifests on bootstrap
- Closed