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  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-36

Show cluster installation "In-Flight" network verification failures for OSD and ROSA

    • 5
    • False
    • False
    • XCMSTRAT-179 - Network verifier in Informing mode
    • ACM Console Sprint 246

      As a user I want to be shown any network errors reported by the in-flight verifier upon cluster creation failure.

      The OCM API is including additional network verification checks as part of the installation process. These checks will run after the cluster creation step has started (after the preflight checks).

      This should be shown in the UI as a step or state and clear documentation or error messages should be shown if this step/state results in a failure

      Design Doc: OSD/ROSA network-verifier  Option 3 which shows these checks as 'in-flight' as opposed to 'pre-flight' (the other mockups).

      Backend API: https://api.openshift.com/#/default/get_api_clusters_mgmt_v1_clusters__cluster_id__inflight_checks


      Open Issues

      1. UX team (tle@redhat.com ) pls update mockup so that the "Network setup" step is after "OIDC and operator roles" step.


      Tech Notes:

      • "In flight" verification is in blocking mode in staging!
      • UI team should attempt to create a Rosa classic, BYO-VPC, in staging but block the domains of the subnets (slack thread) to cause an inflight verification failure
        • Need to see what cluster creation error message we show in the UI currently for 'inflight failures'  -it may be "good enough" for them to enable blocking mode in production
        • However, end goal is to present inflight validation errors to the user upon cluster creation failures.
        • I was told there is a field in the create cluster response called "provision-error-code" which would indicate something like "inflight failure", when we detect this in the UI and then call the inflights endpoint and get details on the inflight failure to show to the user.
      • UI team needs to code for this new 'Network setup' step, I was told cluster installation status will be something like "Validating", but not sure how we know when the 'validating' is done in order to make the next step (DNS setup) the current one.


      Acceptance Criteria

      • Upon Successful cluster create but In-flight failures, show in-flight errors in a Warning alert
      • Upon Failure of cluster create, show regular cluster failure error alert AND show the in-flight errors as an Error alert.
      • verifier results will have to be retrieved asynchronously (i.e., in an API call separate from the "cluster create request") from the inflight_checks API endpoint
      • the cluster create request will return its usual output well before the verifier finishes running, so the UI will have to query the inflight_checks API endpoint multiple times in the minutes following a cluster creation request to obtain verifier results
      • UI should follow the latest "in-flight" mockups (option 3) to display status and error codes/messages and "to fix..." documentation.


        1. rosaClusterID.png
          45 kB
        2. rosaNAClusterID.png
          42 kB
        3. rosaCreateClusterJSONOBJ_cluster_id.png
          22 kB
        4. image-2023-07-12-09-16-55-008.png
          144 kB
        5. cluster_error_screen.png
          108 kB
        6. cluster_error_progress_stepper.png
          100 kB
        7. OpenShift Cluster Manager API Gateway.png
          OpenShift Cluster Manager API Gateway.png
          70 kB
        8. Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 11.04.22 AM.png
          Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 11.04.22 AM.png
          156 kB
        9. ROSAHosted.mp4
          7.12 MB

              jswanke@redhat.com John Swanke
              wgordon.openshift Will Gordon
              0 Vote for this issue
              14 Start watching this issue
