Uploaded image for project: 'OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI'
  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-1101

[OCM-UI][Hypershift-ROSA][OSD-Multizone] Cluster logs are not shown on the Overview page when the network check fails

    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • ACM Console Sprint 246

      Steps to Reproduce

      1) Launch the staging environment.
      2) Configure a bad VPC( create a deny rule or set the NAT gateways to None).
      3) Create an OSD/ Hypershift cluster by selecting the VPC created from the above step.
      4) Submit the cluster details by clicking on the Create cluster button.
      5) Click on the View Logs collapsible on the Overview webpage

      Expected Result
      The cluster creation should show the installation logs on the Overview screen when the cluster is in the Installing state

      Actual Result
      There are no installation logs displayed on the Overview page when the cluster is in Installation state and also after it goes into an Error state

              jswanke@redhat.com John Swanke
              lamarach@redhat.com LAKSHMI SHIVANTHI AMARACHINTHA
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
