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  1. Network Observability
  2. NETOBSERV-1697

ebpf-agent doesn't recognize SRIOV secondary interface if it already exists before agent is deployed

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • netobserv-1.3, netobserv-1.2, netobserv-1.4, netobserv-1.5, netobserv-1.6
    • eBPF
    • 4
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      SRIOV secondary interface is not detected if the interface was created 1st then ebpf agent was deployed.
      It's only detected if the agent was deployed 1st then the SRIOV interface is created
      the workaround for this issue is to restart application pods after the agent is deployed
      SRIOV secondary interface is not detected if the interface was created 1st then ebpf agent was deployed. It's only detected if the agent was deployed 1st then the SRIOV interface is created the workaround for this issue is to restart application pods after the agent is deployed
    • NetObserv - Sprint 255
    • Moderate

      Description of problem:

      If SRIOV secondary interface is already created before agent is deployed, ebpf-agent fails to recognize it unless application pods using secondary interfaces are redeployed or some states are changed on those secondary interface. This is a day 1 issue exists in all NOO versions

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Have SRIOV set up with applications using secondary interfaces.
      2. Deploy NOO and create flowcollector with sampling 1 and privileged=true

      Actual results:

      Existing SRIOV secondary interfaces are not detected when agent is deployed.

      Expected results:

      All SRIOV secondary interfaces are not detected when agent is deployed.



      After netobserv-ebpf-agent is deployed, delete/re-create application pods 


      must-gather and SOS report from SRIOV node:

      1. When secondary interface was created after agent:


      2. When secondary interface already existed (not working scenario)


      3. SOS Report:


            mmahmoud@redhat.com Mohamed Mahmoud
            rhn-support-memodi Mehul Modi
            Mehul Modi Mehul Modi
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
