Resolution: Unresolved
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OCPSTRAT-1798 - Gateway API using Istio for Cluster Ingress - Post GA tasks
100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done
Historic details in https://issues.redhat.com/browse/NE-1139
This Epic covers two use cases:
- As an admin user of Service Mesh, I want to know how to turn on Gateway API and still maintain a single control plane.
- As an admin user of Gateway API, I want to know how to turn on Service Mesh and still maintain a single control plane.
Coordination between NE and OSSM teams needed. Discussion areas include:
- Namespaces probably determine managed (by c-i-o) vs unmanaged Gateways (whether in/outside openshift-ingress namespace)
- Decision - can we just always have service mesh enabled, but not watching every namespace? (check with Marc)
- Should we have cluster ingress operator install/configure the service mesh objects/control plane for mesh use cases?
Can we remove the adhoc installation of service mesh and make it easier to install via c-i-o?Can we create a shared Istio operator?- Others?
We need to decide what things need to be configurable by the cluster admin, and how the cluster admin would configure these things. To the latter point,
Consider adding a new OpenShift-specific config CRD to specify the following:
- Whether Gateway API/ingress is enabled.
- Whether Istio API/mesh is enabled.
Istiod profile.Automatic deployments (if this should be configurable).
The outcome of this story is some brief documentation including pros and cons of various methods to of configuring a new Gateway API installation while using Service Mesh, as well for as a new Service Mesh installation while using Gateway API; and a summary with a proposed recommended solution.
NE-1290 discusses various methods and features that could be configured.
Stretch goal - implementation of the research.
- clones
NE-1139 Design discussion for switching into and out of service mesh and maintaining a single control plane
- Closed
- is depended on by
NE-1291 [TBD] Implement SMCP customization
- Closed
- is related to
OSSM-4025 Support for multiple control planes in a single cluster
- Closed
OSSM-8206 Add support for overlapping namespace sets
- In Progress
OSSM-3901 Research upstream multiple control plane support
- Closed
- relates to
NE-1095 [GWAPI-TP] Provide a solution for a Unified Control Plane
- Closed