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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-1071

CloudWatch fluentd plugin posts all logs it forwards to AWS to its own log


    • False
    • False
    • NEW
    • NEW
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      Before this update, the AWS CloudWatch fluentd plugin logged its AWS API calls to the fluentd log at all log levels, thus creating undue pressure on the resources of OCP nodes. With this update, the AWS CloudWatch fluentd plugin logs AWS API calls only at the "debug" and "trace" log levels. This way, at the default "warn" log level, fluentd does not consume extra OCP node resources.
      Before this update, the AWS CloudWatch fluentd plugin logged its AWS API calls to the fluentd log at all log levels, thus creating undue pressure on the resources of OCP nodes. With this update, the AWS CloudWatch fluentd plugin logs AWS API calls only at the "debug" and "trace" log levels. This way, at the default "warn" log level, fluentd does not consume extra OCP node resources.
    • Logging (Core) - Sprint 198, Logging (Core) - Sprint 199, Logging (LogExp) - Sprint 209


      This would cause an increase in memory usage (which we already are hitting the limit on; see https://issues.redhat.com/browse/LOG-1059) and CPU (which we hit at 100% during testing when we unbound the fluentd pod memory usage).


      A snip from the current fluentd pod logs:




      ,\"message\":\"NWTJEKR56QIAQ5VINCQP0WQNLTJH5IX2XGBHSB8DM8C16OQA3B3VRN8PXMN783MVYKVZN43KT0SGP0BXTSRADE4192ACMSPBLOKNXG22MMEE28WN84O60ETQ7FD158IU9FCP7P0KLC83S0I6JPPI9K68EDSL99M975W81HP16BVKMX5T8WCYEGSF6AFO41JHVQR74KK9KA1570MXWYBF6IJ5W12VIPXWDJMWY6EIVJTPOD4XAY76HDI95QEU3A9FEN3GOWTODZH3ZA27XY4ZLT8DG1Q4" ... (2181 bytes)>}],log_group_name:"dry-logtest-7mbsj.application",log_stream_name:"kubernetes.var.log.containers.log-generator-pbhsq_log-generator_log-generator2-9cb0c46bf5e2860fa3ad7a39c2376bcaf878e672191328e1f9828e5cdd1e8341.log",sequence_token:"49609932663458872515816355989557366195202703253053985314")


        1. log_configmap
          19 kB
          Russell Zaleski

              syedriko_sub@redhat.com Sergey Yedrikov
              rhn-support-rzaleski Russell Zaleski
              Kabir Bharti Kabir Bharti
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