Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Kogito Tooling 0.9.1
Right now if some part of WID file is not supported including some properties from Business Central, they are just ignored. It will be good to show notification for users that this property is not supported in Kogito and can be removed.
Also it can be helpful for typos in supported properties names.
- split from
KOGITO-5568 Stunner - identify all places where to reenable Notifications
- Open
- split to
KOGITO-5004 Unable to view service tasks in VSCode if wid file has mavenDependencies tag.
- Resolved
RHPAM-3619 BPMN designer does not parse WID with incorrect properties
- Closed
KOGITO-5549 Stunner - WID files with comments and Imports can't be loaded
- Resolved