Resolution: Done
devex #129 March 2017
We're missing the ability to provide a context dir within a git repo when importing an application from OpenShift. The application wizard allows the user to set a context dir, which is used when importing right after the successfull creation. The (standalone) import is lacking this.
steps to reproduce:
- EXEC: launch openshift application wizard and pick "eap64-basic-s2i"
- ASSERT: in the next page make sure there is "kitchensink" set to the CONTEXT_DIR template parameter
- ASSERT: in the parameters, make sure that the SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF is set to "6.4.x"
- EXEC: finish the wizard and once the resources are created, simply confirm the import dialog that pops up
- ASSERT: you get a "jboss-kitchensink" in your workspace. The import actually cloned the whole repo "jboss-eap-quickstarts" and imported the project within the "kitchensink" (the CONTEXT_DIR) folder as a workspace project
- EXEC: switch the branch in the git repo that already exists (ex. switch to master)
- EXEC: in OpenShift Explorer: kill your workspace project, select the "eap-app" service and choose "Import Application" in the context-menu.
- EXEC: in the upcoming import wizard, check "reuse existing repository" and then hit "Finish"
You get a project "jboss-eap-quickstart".
There was no way to provide a context dir. To get the kitchensink project you need to remove the jboss-eap-quickstart" project, checkout the correct branch and reimport "kitchensink" (kitchensink only exists in the 6.4.x branch, not in the 7.x branches) manually as an existing maven project.
- incorporates
JBIDE-20028 Import wizard: cloning and import operation is executed in modal (wizard) dialog, blocks me from doing anything.
- Closed
JBIDE-21935 Import application wizard: "Reuse" flow in clone wizard is ambiguous
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-23780 Import Application: uncheck "Use default clone destination" wont recheck if I removed the folder that it''s complaining about
- Closed
JBIDE-24125 Import wizard: adapt ITs to changes introduced in JBIDE-24048
- Closed