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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-23015

Application wizard: Creating a route should have a default port


    • devex #119 August 2016, devex #121 October 2016
    • 5

      When deploying a docker image, in the Services and Routing settings, when "Add route" is checked, if there are multiple ports exposed, then openshift will round-robin the route to any of the ports. So if you have 3 exposed ports, 1 of them is for the web app, then 2/3 of the http connections to the service will fail.

      There should be a new column, in the ports table, with 1 checkbox checkable at the time: checking 1 box will uncheck the others.

      The lowest port should be selected by default (that's what the oc client does apparently, but deserve confirmation)

      To reproduce:

              jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
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              4 Start watching this issue
