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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21830

Server Adapter wizard: route selected by default is wrong


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      1. ASSERT: make sure that you have several apps in the same project (and then of course you'll have several routes)
      2. EXEC: launch server adapter wizard (either via "Servers" view > New > OpenShift > OpenShift 3 or via+underlined text+ context menu "Server Adapter" to a service in explorer)
      3. EXEC: in server adapter wizard: select 2nd service (or any service other than the 1st)
      4. EXEC: unfold "Advanced >>" and inspect

      The route that is selected by default is not the right one.

      1. EXEC: select a different route
      2. ASSERT: default route should switch over

      It's not changing, it stays the same

      1. EXEC: hit "Finish" and open the Server Adapter Editor
      2. ASSERT: the Host that is displayed should be the host that the route is pointing to

      The host is reflecting the 1st route that exists in the project, not even the route that was chosen in the wizard.

      1. EXEC: in "Servers" view
      ASSERT: make sure that you have several apps in the same project (and then of course you'll have several routes) EXEC: launch server adapter wizard (either via "Servers" view > New > OpenShift > OpenShift 3 or via+underlined text+ context menu "Server Adapter" to a service in explorer) EXEC: in server adapter wizard: select 2nd service (or any service other than the 1st) EXEC: unfold "Advanced >>" and inspect Result: The route that is selected by default is not the right one. EXEC: select a different route ASSERT: default route should switch over Result: It's not changing, it stays the same EXEC: hit "Finish" and open the Server Adapter Editor ASSERT: the Host that is displayed should be the host that the route is pointing to Result: The host is reflecting the 1st route that exists in the project, not even the route that was chosen in the wizard. EXEC: in "Servers" view

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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