Having more services under an OpenShift 3 connection and trying to create a new OS 3 server adapter does not use correct pod deployment path in following scenario:
I am having a project with eap application (created from eap 64 basic s2i) and nodejs application. When I select nodejs application /opt/apt-root/src is used as a Pod Deployment Path. After selecting an EAP service, Pod Deployment Path is changed to /opt/eap/standalone/deployments. When I select nodejs in this point, Pod Deployment Path is not updated again and value is still /opt/eap/standalone/deployments, what is wrong.
- ASSERT: have a project with 2 services (eap-app, nodejs-example)
- EXEC: launch new OpenShift 3 Server Adapter wizard
- EXEC: select nodejs-example service
- ASSERT: "Pod Deployment Path" is set to /opt/apt-root/src
- EXEC: select eap-app service
- ASSERT: "Pod Deployment Path" is set to /opt/eap/standalone/deployments
- EXEC: select nodejs-example service
"Pod Deployment Path" is still /opt/apt-root/src
Expected Result:
"Pod Deployment Path" should be set to /opt/eap/standalone/deployments
- is related to
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- relates to
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JBIDE-21975 Server Adapter wizard: route is not changed when I select a different service
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- Closed