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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21899

Wrong service is preselected when creating a new OS3 server adapter from context menu of a service


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      Having projects 'project1' and 'project2' and having an eap-app under both of them. Project project2 is second (lower then project1) under an OS 3 connection. I select Server Adapter... from context menu of a service under project2. New OS3 Server Adapter is opened but service from project1 is preselected.

      Having projects 'project1' and 'project2' and having an eap-app under both of them. Project project2 is second (lower then project1) under an OS 3 connection. I select Server Adapter... from context menu of a service under project2. New OS3 Server Adapter is opened but service from project1 is preselected.

      When I am creating a new OpenShift 3 server adapter from context menu of a service in OpenShift explorer view and I am having several projects and at least 2 same services (names must be equal) in different projects, then in New OS 3 Server Wizard is wrong service. This is happening when I am trying to create a server adapter from context menu of a service which is lower (in order of tree items under an OpenShift 3 connection) then a service with same name.

              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
              mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
