Resolution: Done
CodeReady Studio support for JDK 17
To Do
JDK 17 LTS has been released [1] and we need to work towards certification of Java 17 as supported runtime and development platform.
- is related to
JBIDE-28080 Ensure JBoss Tools can run on top of a Java 17 VM
- Closed
FUSETOOLS-3593 Fuse Integration Project templates cannot be run with JDK17
- Closed
JBIDE-28244 Cannot install RH AMT while installing all from Central with early access
- Closed
JBIDE-28269 Logging to dev sandbox fails on Mac OS
- Closed
JBIDE-28246 Debugging OpenShift App. Explorer Devfile based component is not possible
- Closed
JBDS-5042 Installer Java 17 compatibility
- Open
JBDS-5060 Cannot perform update of BYOE + JBT 4.21.0.Final to 4.21.1.Final
- Open
FUSETOOLS-3594 Fuse SpringBoot templates are not able to start with JDK 17
- Open
JBIDE-28267 Handle Accept SSL Dialog coming from OpenShift connection in Internal Eclipse browser
- Open
JBIDE-28272 Eclipse UI thread is blocked for 30 seconds during checking of the web service project facets
- Open
FUSETOOLS-3595 JDK Strictly compliant installed JRE dialog has wrong formatting
- Open
- relates to
JBDS-5072 module jdk.internal.jvmstat does not export sun.jvmstat.monitor
- Resolved
JBIDE-28216 Server cannot be stopped by stop action
- Closed
JBIDE-28224 Getting NullPointerException when creating OpenShift application component for rest-http java application
- Closed
JBIDE-28282 Local processes in JMX Navigator does not work
- Closed
JBIDE-28284 server-management-itests
- Closed
JBIDE-28288 Debugging OpenShift application Error: cannot attach the debugger: timeout
- Closed
JBDS-5051 Headless installer not working with Java 17
- Closed
JBDS-5073 installer.eap.interop fails
- Closed
JBIDE-28220 "Node.js v16.13.0 is not supported" popup sometimes appear with Java 17
- Closed
JBIDE-28208 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant java.lang.annotation.ElementType.Object;@2abe448b while opening AnnotationView on JAX-RS supported project
- Open