Resolution: Done
HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 232, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 233
User story:
Because VPNs are required for hosted (hypershift) control plane clusters, as a user, I don't want to see the option to select/deselect a VPN
Acceptance criteria:
- If it is a hosted (hypershift) control plane, the user will not be given the option to select a VPC. The VPC step in the wizard shall not be shown.
- If it is a hosted (hypershift) control plane, the user will not be given the option to use "private links"
- For hosted (hypershift) clusters, there shall be an alert notifying users that private links will be used
- The “next” button will not go to the next action unless all required fields pass validation
- The Network/VPC step will not be shown for hosted (hypershift) clusters
- Data entered will be shown on the review page (both standalone and hosted ROSA wizards)
- [technical] Data is prepared to be sent to the api
NOTE The Install into a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) will look/behave the same regardless if “public” or “private” is selected for hosted (hypershift) control planes.
Implementation details:
For the most part, certain options will be removed if the control plane is hosted (hypershift). There will be some text specific to a hosted control plane
Major tasks:
- Add text and an information alert for hosted (hypershift) control planes.
- Hide the option for VPN
- Add ability to add public subnet(s) if the a public cluster privacy
- Hide the option for the private link - private links are always used for hosted (hypershift) clusters.
- The mock-ups show it, but there isn't a “VPC” settings wizard step for hypershift (hosted) clusters. In addition, they are missing a control plane step (step 2)
More research needed:
- What additional tacking (if any) is needed for hosted (hypershift) control planes?
- depends on
HAC-2415 [Hypershift ROSA][MVP][Technical] Create a feature gate for Hypershift ROSA feature
- Closed
HAC-2416 [Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Select control plane type (step 2)
- Closed
PD-1434 [ROSA] HyperShift Cluster Creation for ROSA (Part 2)
- Closed
- is caused by
HAC-3530 [Hypershift ROSA] Wrong status of checkbox "Install into an existing VPC" once the user switches the control plane from "hosted" to "standalone" from Wizard flow.
- Closed
- is depended on by
HAC-2411 [Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Final review of Review and Submit
- Closed
- is related to
HAC-3134 [Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Networking / Configuration - Network Configuration (private/public)
- Closed
- mentioned on