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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-1018

[OCM wizards] Improve adding Nodes labels

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    • 2
    • True
    • False
    • None
    • HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 226, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 227, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 238, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 239, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 240, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 241

      Usability test finding: 

      • “Node labels” can be improved by addressing the following issues
      • The node labels option may not be easy to see, half of the users struggled to find it 
      • It was not clear how the labels worked, i.e., do users need 1 label for every node? will the label automatically apply to all of their nodes? 
      • “Edit” suggests that node labels exist by default, but they don’t
      • Recommendations → improve discoverability and clarify how labeling works, remove the word “edit” and change to “add” 

      Suggested solution: 

      After 1 label is added, show the "Add additional label" button.

      Another option is to have one input field that will contain all labels: 

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          Shiri Mordechay Sofer
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          Shiri Mordechay Sofer
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              mmensahs@redhat.com Maude Mensah Simpson (Inactive)
              rh-ee-smordech Shiri Mordechay Sofer
              rhn-support-sthamilt Stacey Hamilton
              Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
