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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-1269

Environments Details Deployment History


    • Enhance "Environments" Details View UX
    • False
    • False
    • To Do
    • doc-ack, px-ack
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
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      With this update, on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps Environments Details page in the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps developer perspective shows history of the successful deployments of the application environments, along with links to the revision for each deployment.
      With this update, on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps Environments Details page in the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps developer perspective shows history of the successful deployments of the application environments, along with links to the revision for each deployment.

      An user, I want to drill down to any deployment and obtain deployment history information including the following.

      • 30 days success/failure deployment rates (in the overview tab)
      • Last deployment, description (commit message), environment, outcome (success/failed), author, revision (sha - link to git)


      Acceptance Criteria

      • implement Environment Details History as mock
      • history page includes details in the description.





            kykchong@redhat.com Keith Chong
            wtam_at_redhat William Tam
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
